<pre>=====================  Product Identification  =====================

MSDS Date:01/01/2003
Kit Part:=== Responsible Party ===
Address:15922 Pacific Coast Highway
City:Huntington Harbour
Info Phone Num:800-228-0709/562-795-6000
Resp. Party Other MSDS Num.:800-255-3924
=== Contractor Identification ===

=============  Composition/Information on Ingredients  =============

Ingred Name:Butyl Cellosolve
OSHA PEL:25 ppm (skin)
ACGIH TLV:25 ppm (skin)

=====================  Hazards Identification  =====================

Health Hazards Acute and Chronic:Adverse effects on human health are
    not expected from Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner, based upon twenty
    years of use of Simple Green� without reported adverse health
    incidence in diverse population groups, including extensive use by
    inmates of U.S. Federal prisons in cleaning operations. Simple
    Green� Carpet Cleaner is a mild eye irritant; mucous membranes may
    become irritated by concentrate-mist. Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner
    is not likely to irritate the skin in the majority of users.
    Repeated daily application to the skin without rinsing, or
    continuous contact of Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner on the skin may
    lead to temporary, but reversible, irritation.
Explanation of Carcinogenicity:Mild eye irritant, non-mutagenic and
    non-carcinogenic. None of the ingredients in Simple Green� Carpet
Cleaner are regulated or listed as potential cancer agents by Federal
    OSHA, NTP, or IARC.
Effects of Overexposure:The Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner formulation
    presents no health hazards to the user when used according to label
directions for its intended purposes. Mild skin and eye irritation is
    possible (please see Eye contact and Skin contact in Section IV.).
Medical Cond Aggravated by Exposure:No aggravation of existing medical
    conditions is expected; dermal-sensitive users
may react to dermal contact by Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner.

=======================  First Aid Measures  =======================

First Aid:Eye contact: Reddening may develop. Immediately rinse the eye
    with large quantities of cool water; continue 10-15 minutes or
until the material has been removed; be sure to remove contact lenses,
    if present, and to lift upper and lower lids
during rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
Skin contact: Minimal effects, if any; rinse skin with water, rinse
    shoes and launder clothing before reuse. Reversible reddening
may occur in some dermal-sensitive users; thoroughly rinse area and get
    medical attention if reaction persists.
Swallowing: Essentially non-toxic. Give several glasses of water to
    dilute; do not induce vomiting. If stomach upset occurs,
consult physician.
Inhalation: Non-toxic. Exposures to concentrate-mist may cause mild
    irritation of nasal passages or
throat; remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if irritation

=====================  Fire Fighting Measures  =====================

Flash Point:Not flammable.
Autoignition Temp:Autoignition Temp Text:Not flammable.
Extinguishing Media:Not flammable/nonexplosive. No special procedures
Fire Fighting Procedures:None required.
Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner is stable,
    not flammable, and will not burn.

==================  Accidental Release Measures  ==================

Spill Release Procedures:Recover usable material by convenient method;
    residual may be removed by wipe or wet mop. If necessary,
material may be washed to drain with large quantities of water.
Neutralizing Agent:

======================	Handling and Storage  ======================

Handling and Storage Precautions:No special precautions are required.
    This product is non-hazardous for storage and transport according
    to the U.S.
Department of Transportation Regulations.
Other Precautions:

=============  Exposure Controls/Personal Protection  =============

Respiratory Protection:No special precautions required except during
    large-scale spray applications where spray
mist levels are high.
Ventilation:No special ventilation is required during use. Large-scale
    uses indoors should provide an increased rate of air exchange.
Protective Gloves:No special precautions required; rinse completely
    from skin after contact.
Eye Protection:Caution, including reasonable eye protection, should
    always be used to avoid eye contact
where splashing may occur.
Other Protective Equipment:No special requirements under normal use
Work Hygienic Practices:Wash or rinse hands before touching eyes or
    contact lenses. Follow standard hygienic
practices for handling cleaning agents.
Supplemental Safety and Health
The Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner formulation presents no health hazards
    to the user when used according to label directions for its
    intended purposes. Mild skin and eye irritation is possible (please
    see Eye contact and Skin contact in Section IV.).

==================  Physical/Chemical Properties  ==================

Boiling Pt:100.6 �C (212 �F)
Melt/Freeze Pt:-9 �C (16 �F) If product freezes, it will reconstitute
    without loss of efficacy when brought back to
room temperature and agitated.
Vapor Pres:18 mm Hg @ 20 �C; 23.5 mm Hg @ 26 �C
Vapor Density:1.3
Spec Gravity:1.020
VOC Pounds/Gallon:0 g/L
Evaporation Rate &amp; Reference:>1 (butyl acetate = 1)
Solubility in Water:Completely soluble in water.
Appearance and Odor:Clear liquid Detection: Simple Green� Carpet
    Cleaner has a characteristic odor that is not indicative of any
    hazardous situation.
Corrosion Rate:

=================  Stability and Reactivity Data  =================

Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:Stability Condition to
    Avoid:Nonreactive. Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner is stable, even
    under fire conditions, and will not react with water or oxidizers.
Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid Polymerization:

===================  Toxicological Information	===================

Toxicological Information:The information and conclusions cited in this
    section are based on data and testing of Simple Green�. The data
    are directly
applicable to Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner because, except for the
    fragrance and dyes, it contains the same ingredients as
Simple Green�.
Nonhuman Toxicity
Acute Mortality Studies:Oral LD50 (rat): >5.0 g/kg body weight //
    Dermal LD50 (rabbit): >2.0 g/kg body weight
Dermal Irritation: Only mild, but reversible, irritation was found in a
    standard 72-hr test on rabbits. A value of 0.2
(non-irritating) was found on a scale of 8.
Eye Irritation: With or without rinsing with water, the irritation
    scores in rabbits at 24 hours did not exceed 15 (mild irritant)
on a scale of 110.
Subchronic dermal effects: No adverse effects, except reversible dermal
    irritation, were found in rabbits exposed to
Simple Green� (up to 2.0 g/kg/day for 13 weeks) applied to the skin of
    25 males and 25 females. Only female body weight
gain was affected. Detailed microscopic examination of all major
    tissues showed no adverse changes.
Fertility Assessment by Continuous Breeding: The Simple Green�
    formulation had no adverse effect on fertility and
reproduction in CD-1 mice with continuous administration for 18 weeks,
    and had no adverse effect on the reproductive
performance of their offspring.

=====================  Ecological Information  =====================

Ecological:Biodegradability:Like Simple Green�, Simple Green� Carpet
    Cleaner is readily decomposed by naturally occurring
    microorganisms. The
biological oxygen demand (BOD), as a percentage of the chemical oxygen
    demand (COD), after 4, 7, and 11 days was 56%,
60%, and 70%, respectively. Per OECD Closed Bottle Test, Simple Green�
    Carpet Cleaner meets OECD and EPA
recommendations for ready biodegradability.
In a standard biodegradation test with soils from three different
    countries, Butyl Cellosolve reached 50% degradation in 6 to
23 days, depending upon soil type, and exceeded the rate of degradation
    for glucose which was used as a control for
Environmental Toxicity Information:Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner is
    considered practically non-toxic per EPA�s aquatic toxicity scale.

====================  Disposal Considerations  ====================

Waste Disposal Methods:Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner is fully water
    soluble and biodegradable and will not harm sewage-treatment
if disposal by sewer or drain is necessary. Dispose of in accordance
    with all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

===================  MSDS Transport Information  ===================

Transport Information:No special precautions are required. This product
    is non-hazardous for storage and transport according to the U.S.
Department of Transportation Regulations. Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner
    requires no special labeling or placarding to
meet U.S. Department of Transportation requirements.
UN Number: Not required // Dangerous Goods Class: Nonhazardous

=====================  Regulatory Information  =====================

SARA Title III Information:The Butyl Cellosolve in Simple Green� Carpet
    Cleaner is part of a chemical category (glycol ethers) regulated by
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (SARA, Title III,
    section 313); therefore, a reporting requirement
Federal Regulatory Information:Based upon chemical analysis, Simple
    Green� Carpet Cleaner contains no known EPA priority pollutants,
metals, or chemicals listed under RCRA, CERCLA, or CWA. Analysis by
    TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure)
according to RCRA revealed no toxic organic or inorganic constituents.
State Regulatory Information:

=======================  Other Information  =======================

Other Information:Containers: Simple Green� Carpet Cleaner residues can
    be completely removed by rinsing with water; the
container may be recycled or applied to other uses.
Contact Point: Sunshine Makers, Inc., Research and Development
    Division: 562-795-6000.

 Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
 This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department
 of Defense.  The United States of America in no manner whatsoever,
 expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
 disclaims all liability for its use.  Any person utilizing this
 document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
 assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
 particular situation.